Reverse Parallel Parking | 2024 UK Driving Test Manoeuvres
Reverse parallel parking is a really useful skill for any driver, as it will often be needed in urban areas. In addition, the U.K. Driving Test includes the option of the Reverse Parallel Parking Manoeuvre, so it’s worth taking the time to perfect our technique. In this video, we’ll show an overview of the manoeuvre from outside the car, a more detailed view from inside the car, and a few extra tips to help while you’re learning.
The method used in this video is optimised for use in the UK Driving Test, where a generous space is allowed and there is no car behind us. If you would like to see how we parallel park in the tighter spaces found in the high street, we have made this separate video: Real-Life Parallel Parking: • Real-Life Parallel Parking | Learn ...