Part one of our video mini series giving you the best chance of passing the driving test for your taxi licence.
Based on our experience of providing taxi assements or as they are sometimes called Taxi Tests, we're going to go through the main reasons you are going to fail, pick up driver faults and how to avoid them.
Remember what ever this is called it is a TEST. The test is designed to check your driving against the standards required against the current driving test standards.
You are expected to more competent than a newly qualified driver and as such are often only allowed 9 drivers faults and no serious faults.
Lots of councils have their own criteria for testing so if you want an explainer video for what they want please let me know in the comments and I will get that done for you.
if you need to book a Taxi test why not check to see if we cover your area. If we don't why not ask your local council if we can be added to their list of approved testers.