While driving simulators are often seen as valuable tools for teaching both newandexperienced drivers how to handle risky situations, there is a lack of substantial evidenceregarding their true effectiveness. Hence, the researchers sought to examine the availableprimary literature on driving simulators as a means of driver training and instruction. Theycarefully evaluated the characteristics of the studies, their level of quality, and the extent towhich simulators have been proven effective for these objectives. Several studies haveexamined the effectiveness of driving simulators for training purposes. These sources offer valuable insights into how simulators can enhance road safety by helping individuals managerisks while driving. However, there are notable limitations that deserve attention, includingthe use of small research samples, infrequent follow-up on training outcomes, and limitedinformation on the specific limitations addressed in simulator-based training. Although thementioned limitations are significant, numerous studies have consistently demonstrated thepractical benefits of simulators for training purposes. Additionally, these studies haveemphasised the importance of conducting further evaluations to fully understand their effectiveness.
The research focused on simulators designed for diver training, which has a rich historyrooted in the concept of edutainment. It can be described as the fusion of education andentertainment within a learning process. In a previous study by Buckinghamand Scanlon, they discussed the concept of edutainment, which involves capturing and sustaining learners' attention through the use of screens or animations to make the learning experience enjoyable. Essentially, edutainment relies on the utilisation of simulators. Research has demonstratedthat the incorporation of new technologies, such as images, sounds, and videos, can enhancestudent engagement and facilitate the transfer of information from short-termto long-termmemory, resulting in a more solid understanding of the subject matter. It is particularlyimportant to consider the significance of in-vehicle driving simulators. These simulators not only provide instruction on fundamental skills, but also offer training in scenarios that areinfrequently encountered in real-world situations, yet necessitate adequate preparation.
Driving simulators have become increasingly prevalent in modern times, to the extent that incertain nations, individuals must successfully complete simulator tests in order to acquire adriving licence. The countries mentioned are the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Singapore, and Finland. Simulators offer the distinct benefit of providing comprehensive analytical measurements of the simulated vehicle's performance and the user's response to various situations. This allows for a thorough evaluation of the user's reactions and decision-makingabilities. Simulators offer a notable benefit in their ability to consistently recreate situations, allowing for reliable replication. This feature enables users to train in complex scenarios without any risk, while also ensuring that test requirements are objective, as all users canexperience the exact same situation. In different nations, like Saudi Arabia, where womenhave recently been granted the right to apply for driving licences, there was a significant surge in requests for driver training within a limited timeframe. Without the utilisation of simulators, it would have been challenging to accommodate the overwhelming demand.